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Instructions for Submitting an Application for Research Funding
If you are planning to submit an application for the funding of a research project, please read the Guidelines for Awarding Research Grants and follow the steps mentioned below: - An outline of your project should be submitted by 1 February at the latest.
- A detailed description of your project should be submitted only if you have been requested to do so by the Foundation.
Fill in the “Application for Research Funding” form for the project outline:
- 1.1
Name of the principal investigator (PI) and address for correspondence, name of the research institution involved, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address.
- 1.2
Title of the research project.
- 1.3
Brief description of the project in straightforward terms that would be understood by readers without any specialized knowledge, avoiding unnecessary technical terms. (maximum 10 lines)
- 1.4
Brief description of the relevance of your planned project to the 3R principles; which of the principles does your project aim to implement and what are the expected results? (maximum 4 lines)
- 1.5
Duration of project; in years, planned starting and completion dates.
- 1.6
Estimated cost of project: salaries for staff and materials.
- 1.7
Hypothesis and specific aims. (1/2 page)
- 1.8
Brief description of your research strategy; experimental concept and methodology. (1/2 page)
- 1.9
Innovation: what is new about the method(s) you intend to use? (1/2 page)
- 1.10
3R relevance of the new method(s): which of the 3R principles does your project aim to implement? Should animal experimentation in the area of research concerned be reduced or replaced or cause less suffering to the animals used? In what way would you improve on current animal experimentation practices? (1/2 page)
For the following documents only electronic links should be indicated:
- 2.1
Personal website.
- 2.2
Curriculum vitae. (max. 2 pages)
- 2.3
List of own publications over the previous 5 years.
- 2.4
References/publications that are of value for understanding the application.
Provide the names of external experts to whom your application shoud not be submitted for review.
Submit your project outline as a *.doc file (using the application form provided) by e-mail to
Applications from researchers working outside Switzerland will be considered only in exceptional cases. They must show that the applicants have links with an institution in Switzerland or with a researcher in Switzerland.
Further information may be obtained from our Scientific Advisor.
4 December 2014 p.p. The Evaluation Committee: Prof. Ernst B. Hunziker